My Dance Story

Patrice Moniz

Patrice Moniz
Founder, M-Intensive Online Dance Training

What is your dancing style(s)?

I am addicted to the Horton and Graham techniques

What made you choose this style?

I met my first Graham and Horton mentors more than a decade ago, then I was incredibly lucky to perform the Horton and Graham repertory on stage shortly after while I was still in training, this is perhaps why I fell in love with both techniques so quickly, these techniques are born on stage, so performing them reinforced my love and respect for Martha Graham and Lester Horton. I did notchoose; I was chosen to learn to share my knowledge today.
This is what I believe. It is my destiny.

When and how did you start dancing?

A few people know that, but I started my professional dance journey extremely late. I was born a dancer, always danced, however, my first professional encounter with dance was ballet and I started in my early 20s.I am obsessed and when I want something I get it. I wanted to become a dancer despite my late start and many people who did not believe in me. 15 years later I am proud to say that I have a career.

Any memorable dancing experiences?

Oh my, so many! Dancing with the Béjart Ballet Lausanne while Maurice Béjart was still alive is quite memorable. It was a tiny role, and I am so grateful for that. I will never forget the first time that I performed Graham on stage…Wow! So powerful, never felt anything like that before! And finally, studying the Horton and Graham techniques in NYC after winning a prestigious scholarship is also one of my biggest achievements. I am so lucky, and I thank Godfor that. I am kind of at the right place at the right moment quite often, I trust the Universe and its limitless power. There are no coincidences.

One person you would like to dance for or with?

I realized one of my dreams with Maurice Béjart. He was on my list. I would have love dancing with Martha Graham and Lester Horton! What a dream!

What does dance mean to you?

Dance is my life, it means everything and nothing at the same time because I do not think, I feel dance, it is part of me, as I often say to my students, we are not learning to dance in vocational schools, we learn technique. Dance is within us all. We are one.

Do you prefer to perform or teach and why?

Wow, I love the question! So hard to say, I cannot answer. I could not be the teacher I am without my stage experience; dance must be shared and without it we cannot really feel the essence of dance. Therefore, I strongly advice my students to dance first then to teach later when they are ready. I seriously cannot answer, I do love both equally, it is dance but it is not the same thing. It is not comparable.

If you weren’t a dancer, you would have been ?

A Chef!

Describe yourself or your story in under 25words.

This is the story of a young man who wanted to dance.

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

I love this question too. Very tricky though. I founded M-Intensive Online Dance Training 1 year ago and I created M-Intensive University 1 year later. These platforms are dedicated to the Horton and Graham techniques. I would love them both to keep shining and inspiring people to share around them my love, our love for Graham and Horton. I do have other plans; however, I am not the one revealing everything…

So, keep an eye open and see you in 10 years!

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